Meet Cathie Cazimi, MHt., SGM

It’s my purpose in Life to help people reach their full potential and inner awareness as a hypnosis practitioner and energy healer. I’ve been a life-long student of the hypno-therapeutic process, with a heavy influences from reading the ground-breaking research of Dr. Raymond Moody and Dr. Brian Weiss and the amazing work that Delores Cannon did with her QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) sessions.
After 30 years of having a personal relationship with therapies involving energy work and hypnotic altered states of consciousness, I earned my certification as a Master Hypnotherapist in 2008 by the National Guild of Hypnotists and The International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association.
In March of 2009, I opened Hypno-Health Solutions (formerly Key Point Hypnosis), and as a skilled practitioner, I have assisted thousands of clients through the transformative power of hypnosis, enabling them to achieve personal growth and easily conquer challenges in their lives.
If you’re concerned that your mind is too active to go into hypnosis, no worries…I specialize in effectively working with people who struggle with relaxing, and use my skills to effectively guide your mind deep into the theta brain-wave where you are in a blissful state of receptivity. I first make sure that you are thoroughly educated before we start any trance work, and that you understand the process exactly. From there, all that is needed is following my directions and allowing the process and before you know it – there you are, in an altered state of focused awareness; hypnosis.
In addition to my traditional training in hypnotherapy, I’ve had the honor of studying with the following masters in the hypnosis field:
Roy Hunter, M.S., C.Ht., Master Hypnotist & teach/trainer, and author of “The Art of Hypnosis,” and “The Art of Hypnotherapy”
Cal Banyan, CH, PhD, Master Hypnotist, teacher/trainer and author
Col. H. Larry Elman, CH, CI, Master Hypnotist & teacher/trainer, author, and son of Dave Elman, legendary pioneer of modern hypnosis
Sean Michael Andrews, C.Ht, Master Hypnotist, teacher/trainer, author, and stage hypnotist billed as “The World’s Fastest Hypnotist”