How Hypno Health Solutions Can Help You

Discover & Register For Our Classes

When you work with me, I offer the tools for you to dig deep into yourself and come up with the solutions you need to improve your life. I aim to empower you and inspire growth within yourself.

Smoking Cessation

Stop smoking with hypnosis now! Hypno Health Solutions is Virginia Beach's lead stop smoking hypnosis program!

Mind & Body Weight Management

This comprehensive tri-weekly personal development program is designed to help you take charge of your body AND mind.

Standard Sessions

Standard sessions with stress management, personal empowerment, improving motivation, confidence and more.

Life Purpose Awareness

Discover your life purpose through a profoundly empowering and enlightening process of soul regression.

Past Life Regression

The basic definition of a Past Life Regression is the process of memory recall of previous lifetimes stored in the subconscious while in a relaxed hypnotic state.

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